Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloweenie!

So tonight after church service, everyone was trying to find something "halloweenie" (hehehe) to do. tiffany and aimee said they were going to jc penny's so slaus and i tagged along. i did not feel like my night of halloween was fulfilled by shopping, but i DID however get some cool eyeliner from Sephora. and i am going to put in an application there because they said they're looking for help on the holidays and how cool would THAT be?! everybody needs a hook up with some cool make up!!
so anyway, after we went with them, a buncha folks were talking about going out to bear creek swamp. which is just a really creepy road in the middle of a swamp in the middle of NO.WHERE. so we decided to go for that. i couldn't end halloween with shopping at Belk's! so we're ridin dirty with about 9 folks jammed into a tahoe down this freeeeeaky road and of COURSE it's super foggy. and we go pretty far down the road, and then we see another car parked with their headlights on. so we decide we'd park a little ways away from them so it wouldn't be too lit up from their headlights. we wanted it to be dark and scaryyyy! cuz we're idiots.
well one minute, i'm looking up admiring how the trees are actually quite pretty, and then the next, someone screams, "GET IN THE CAR! APRIL JUST GOT A TEXT!!" .........and then everybody starts running for the car!! ???????????
after i got in barely making it in with all my limbs still attached before they slammed the door on me as we're flying down the road trying to get outta there, i asked, "what the CRAP?! what just happened?!"
apparently, april had texted someone and told them where we were, and they replied, "there's someone out there who'll do more than just freak you out." and then that parked car that was sort of near us, turned their headlights off and started slowly driving towards us and everyone FLIPPED.
including me. hehe
i'm sure the person on the phone was just trying to scare us, and it definitely worked. everybody wanted to turn around and go back and i was like ARE YA KIDDING? i really would like to not get cut tonight. so me and 2 other girls almost cried like big wimps because we had to go back. we finally convinced them to leave and just go to the house of crosses, which if you're not from here, is a house that belonged to a man who lost all of his family in a car crash, and after that, he kinda started goin a lil over the edge. there are huuundreds of crosses, different sizes, in his yard and random rusted signs and old appliances with messages such as, "HELL IS HOT. JESUS SAVES. SEX USED WRONG SENDS YOU TO HELL. NO WATER IN HELL. HOT HOT HOT. READ YOUR BIBLE. REPENT." i noticed there were a lot of rusted air conditioners and stoves out there. maybe having to do with the whole hell is hot thing? creative. and then there were a buncha mail boxes with messages on them. and slaus and i were trying to figure all of this out and she said, "maybe you won't get mail when you're in hell??" haha
oh and there was another group of teenagers there. at one point, i saw them making out and i was like .. seriously?? THIS turns you on?? amazing. so i said, (very loudly) "hmm! these signs that say SEX WILL SEND ME TO HELL sure does make me wanna make out!!" haha
one of the guys with us made a good point though. he said it's kind of sad that this man is just extremely passionate about jesus and doesn't want people to go to hell, and now, people use it as a circus side show. they come on halloween and laugh. he said, "when really, we're all supposed to be like this. maybe not to this extreme.." haha
something to think about...

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