Monday, September 28, 2009

yay for first blog!!

So yea. to start off, i have told most people that i am in an internship through my church, Destiny Christian Center, in prattville, al. you can check out our church there. :)

i'm up there all week. literally. we do intern stuff mon through fri 8 to 5, then i work at the daycare there all day fri, then we attend all four services on the weekend, including a sat night.

it's a nonstop operation, but i love it. someone once told me "the world is run by tired men and women".

but anyway, my family suggested i start a blog to let everyone know what i'm doing in the internship and my progress and whatnot. so... here goes!

since i've been in for 3 weeks already, let me catch everyone up to speed:

-i live with the praise and worship leader, angie brening and her husband, Keith, daughter alyssa, sons isaac and nathan, dog rylee, and several fish. it couldn't be a better fit. i love them completely. not long after i moved in, the subject of my lack of a middle name came up in conversation somehow. so angie decided to give me the name Estelle, meaning the star. and then it was taken farther when we all met the entire staff on our first day and discovered i'm the oldest intern, so i'm now lovingly known as "granny estelle." :)

-we memorize 2 scriptures a week, so i'll be updating that prob everyday because it will keep it fresh on my mind haha. last week was 2 corinthians 5:17 and galatians 2:20. this week is romans 12:1, and john 14:21. the last 2 focus on obedience to christ.

-there are 3 other interns. 2 of them first years like me (clifford and slaus), and 1 is a second year (cambria).

`ok, that's all of the stuff i can think of, there's lots more, but i'll prob just blurt it out as it comes.

today, in prayer time, i started really diggin into wondering where god would place me after the internship, then out of nowhere, i asked god to help me get rid of my trust issues. being burned in the past several times, i'm not a person that easily trusts. and god started to mess with me about myself. he said that i tend to feel so insignificant that i think i can be forgotten. and that's where my jealousy and anger stem from- my insecurity. and he said until i can see what i'm really worth, what i look like to him, then i can't move on to receive what god will have for me after the internship. so yea, i'll be working on the trust thing with a PASSION because i so wanna know what i'm supposed to do with my life, so i have to get through this first.

`then we had staff meeting and learned about how a good leader needs to delegate. there's no point in thinking you should do everything just because you can do it better and quicker (even if you can!). you have to give people a voice, a place to stand in the project, a sense of purpose. and if you keep taking all of the control, you're overlooking all of the possible gems that are inside of people by denying them a chance to shine. good stuff.

`then we had creative meeting, and we had to write a skit for our next sermon series, which is called "Socialitis", a disease triggered by TOO MUCH FACEBOOK! haha, so we wrote a skit that was inspired by a video we saw all about people interacting face to face the same way they would on facebook. it's hilarious. if we video it, i'll send the link.

`then slaus (her name is actually sarah slauson, but slaus is just way cooler) and i drove to wetumpka to drop off my baby, the jetta at dad's house. he gave me the buick park avenue, who i have respectfully named lady marmalade, and she respectfully quit on me about a week ago. guess she doesn't like the name.

`when we came back into town, we were good little girls and walked/jogged a little over a mile. we started our healthier lifestyle yesterday. then we came back home and ate soup. then i had scrambled eggs with melted cheese hehe. BUT i haven't had a single carbonated drink today! water and tea. i refuse to give up sweet tea. i have to have ONE vice. c'mon!

and then i made a new cd for us to listen to in prayer time. it rawks.

`on a sad note, one of our interns was asked to leave the internship last night. i miss him a lot and am deeply saddened that he has to leave. it was a matter of rules and he just couldn't do it anymore. i know that god would've done great things in him, and still can, but it always hurts to see people lose opportunities. i'll keep him in prayer and hope that he continues to grow instead of running away.

`from the carwash fundraiser, where i was sponsored to raise money for our trip we're taking in january, because of my awesome friends and family, i raised 247 dollars just from that fundraiser! that's mroe than half of my trip paid for! thank you all so much!!

`well i'm going to hit the hay now

romans 12:1 therefore, i urge you, brothers, in view of god's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to god-this is your spiritual act of worship.


  1. ... still think the title of this needs to be.."the Amazing Adventures of a Destiny Intern"... OR "the Amazing Adventures of a Shining Star"... or something like that... because that's what this is, an amazing adventure - glad I get to the honor of walking it with you! Love you Leanna Estelle Wallace!! :)

  2. Like the blog, so keep me updated........hugs, Aunt D

  3. I have been trying to comment on your post for awhile, guess time has gotten away from me lol. Ok, so I know I haven't talked to you in a long time but I wanted to tell you that you are amazing! You have inspired me with your fun loving, cheerful spirit. I want to be more like you! And what a wonderful middle name! My mamaw's name is Estelle Eden, such a wonderful connection! Keep in touch!
    Judy Sumner

  4. Looks like I used Liz's account to comment...ok, ok truth be told, she had to help me lol
