Sunday, December 27, 2009

Thank you David for setting me straight :)

I had a wonderful christmas this year. It wasn't as much of a hastle as i thought it would be. (as terrible as I know that sounds) I thought it was going to resemble the movie Four Christmases, but I only had 2. Christmas morning, I woke up at my dad's house and watched my two beautiful nieces tear into their presents and missed my brother terribly. My present to my niece Bella was a hit because it was the most annoying. I got her a recorder. What are aunts for? Har har har.. We then sat down and enjoyed a yummy breakfast together and then the girls started turning into mini godzillas because they were getting tired so they went home and i just chilled out and did my own thing for a while until it was time to get ready to go to Mee Maw's (dad's mom's)

I thought, "Maybe I should curl my hair. It is a holiday, after all." I consulted Dad.
"Dad, should i straighten my hair or curl it?"
"Ehh, go for the curls."
...big mistake.
He and Mikki left without me and TWO HOURS LATER, I emerged from the house and finally made it to Mee Maw's house. Granted my hair looked amazing. I'm not bragging. After two hours, I have a RIGHT to say that my hair looked great, okay?!

Everybody was already eating, so I jumped right in on cue and joined in on the fun and sweet baby J, IT WAS grrrrrrrrrrrrreat. I was pretty proud of myself. i didn't stuff myself. at first.

After we all get done eating, it's tradition for each immediate family to undergo good clean humiliation and do some sort of a talent. Thank God Dad brought Mikki and made her yodel to represent our family. The Flemings had David with his guitar and he had written a song called The Reason. Calm down it wasn't a knockoff from Hoobastank. He introduced it by explaining what the song was about. He said that Jesus is more than just the "reason for the season". He's the reason you get up in the morning. He's the reason you have air in your lungs. (I'm going to start paraphrasing because I can't remember what all he said Hehe) He's the reason I get to have a clean slate every day. He's the reason I get to call myself Beloved. He's the reason I get the chance to talk to God. He's the reason that I dance. He's the reason that I look into the stars and know that there's more. He's not just a man who "was". He's a man and God who IS. Who still moves and lives and loves. Who loves US.

These are all of the things (sorta) that David was saying about Jesus and as he was talking, I wanted to cry. And not in a sentimental way. In the sense that... I could feel how genuinely in love with Jesus David was. And not just to sound holy. Not just to sound better than everyone else. Because he's more passionate about Jesus than anything/one else in the world. I wanted that.

So. I made a decision to get my butt into gear. Once I quit the internship, I kind of quit on God too, and that's stupid. Because God didn't hurt me, people did. And people will continue to hurt me, but I can't let that be an excuse to keep running away from God. And I won't. :)So, thank you, David.

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